Let's see...
Little boy who has been coming since he was 1 (estimate 3 years old). His right side is (was?) paralyzed. His folks have spent ~80.000rmb for massage and acupuncture. He looks completely normal, like an excited little boy full of energy. He gets a full body massage (mostly rolling and lifting manipulations), gets hung upside down, and does a bit of physical therapy on the weak side (one arm supported push-ups, one-leg supported crouching...)
Old man (80+) who has very swollen knee joints. Not edema, but rather the bones themselves are very large. Limited motion and aching. He gets a full body massage, then sits and gets shoulder/neck massage.
Man in his 40's, originally said back pain, later refined it to neck and upper back pain that makes sleeping difficult. (Dr. Xiao asked him to simply state where the pain was, rather then trying to say what kind of problem he had). Full body massage. He sighed deeply many times during the session.
Elderly (55+) lady with the fractured R. knee, only using one crutch now, quite an improvement. No swelling in L. foot, a little swelling still in R. foot. Full body massage. She comes everyday, used to work for the University.
Elderly man recovering from a stroke. Almost insensible, came directly from the inpatient dept. Came in a wheelchair, left walking. IV tip in R. forearm. Slightly reddened eyes. Very thin and stiff. Full body massage then arm and leg manipulation by Dr. Xiao. Left to go to the toilet half way through. Accompanied by his daughter + son-in-law (both 50/60 years old).
Businessman in 40s, stock broker. Lower back pain around lumbar spine. Full body massage focusing on back/buttocks.
That is all I can remember.
Dr. Chen of the pain-management clinic extolled me to keep careful notes, will start doing so next week.
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