
原为:“我的练习汉语的地方” 现状:“我乱讲的地方”

星期三, 十二月 01, 2010


I think what I have to remember is: no matter what my influences, what I am developing is my own personal sense of what health is and how it can be reached.

If I say I'm practicing Chinese medicine, what I mean is that my personal approach is influenced to the largest extent by the body of knowledge that goes by the name 'Chinese medicine'.

(Funny how much of what I'm learning is not Chinese medicine!)

So what if one used a very formulaic method of treatment? One that completely concealed the the healer? I remember using a computer program that allowed you to enter your symptoms, asked some questions, then produced a result consisting of a pattern and herbal formula.

I guess I can't figure out what kind of medicine I'm practicing. Or learning, for that matter.



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